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- Bjorn Askildsen - Secretary of State- Stale Aune -
- Roald Bork - 70 yo. promised Harry to get access to Klipra.
- Jens Brekke -a currency broker, Molnes talked to on his last day alive. Drves red Porsche.
- Liz Crumley - police officer in charge of investigation about Molnes
- Dim - young girl working for Wong Lee as Guest Relations Officer
- Harry Hole - detective.
- Ove Klipra - a Norwegian. One of the biggest building contractors in Bangkok. Bought an old temple from disputed territories and reassembled in Bankgkok.
- Ivar Loken - works in embassy, most likely as an intelligence officer.
- Jim Love - a black American, the car park attendant.
- Bjarne Moller - head of Crime Squad
- Atle Molnes - Norway's ambassador in Thiland. Found dead in hotel by Dim.
- Hilde Molnes - ambassador's wife
- Runa Molnes - ambassador's daughter, 17 yo.
- Nho - young police officer in Bangkok
- Rangsan - old policeman working for Crumley
- Sanphet - Molnes' driver, a Thai.
- Sorensen - loan shark at Thai IndoTravellers.
- Sunthorn - police officer working for Crumley
- Supawadee - Thai forensic investigator who analysed Harry's samples
- Dagfinn Torhus - works in Foreign Office inOslo, 55 yo. HR Director.
- Anne Verk - a wife of Shell's CEO in Bangkok. Saved Harry when he was chained in the pool.
- Waaler - policeman
- George Walters - civil engineer
- Tonje Wiig - Thai, born in Norway. Fills in the embassy until new ambassador is appointed.
- Woo - a goon working for loan shark people at Thai Indo Travellers. Massive.
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